contemporary world cinema for salmon arm

Shuswap Film Society - Since 1974

Singing Back the Buffalo

Country: Canada
Language: English
Director: Tasha Hubbard
Runtime: 99 minutes
Rating: G
Wednesday, February 26 @ 7:30pm

Internet Movie Database -

Official Trailer

After a dark recent history, the buffalo herds of North America are awaiting their return, aided by dedicated Indigenous activists, leaders and communities, including award-winning Cree filmmaker Tasha Hubbard. Together with Blackfoot Elder Leroy Little Bear, Hubbard weaves an intimate story of humanity’s connections to buffalo and eloquently reveals how their return to the Great Plains can indeed usher in a new era of sustainability and balance. Richly visualized and deeply uplifting, Singing Back the Buffalo is an epic reimagining of North America through the lens of buffalo consciousness and a potent dream of what is within our grasp.

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